Best exercises for weight loss abdomen and hips

We bring you an article that deals with exercise for weight loss abdomen and hips. You will learn how exercise contributes to the weight loss process and they are better than diets or starvation. Familiarize yourself with how to correctly approach the selection of exercises and what personal characteristics taken into account. And also familiarize yourself with some basic and effective exercises that can be easy to independently carry out at home.


As exercise contribute to weight loss

Exercises play an important role in the fight with overweight and obesity, and for the following reasons:

  • The exercises promote an active fat energy, which is made up of fat. And this leads to mobilization of fat and reduce its quantity in the body.
  • When a person sits on a low-calorie diet, the body to energy stocks, includes a protective physiological response that blocks weight loss, especially if the diet is too exhaustive and the person sitting on it longer. During physical exertion like that is happening, and the weight is lost much faster and more efficiently.
  • Exercises stimulate the sympathetic department of the nervous system and increase metabolic rate. When this is consumed the amount of energy consumed in the body, and this leads to weight loss.
  • It is also worth noting that the regular load will improve the physical and emotional mood, make a person active and energetic, but life is much more interesting and brighter.

How to choose the best workout for yourself

Choose a suitable for yourself exercise, experts recommend to take into account the following elements:

  • If you want to thin waist, it is worth it to give up předklonů with another load. This exercise contributes to a more intensive growth of the obliques and the lateral muscles of the print, so the waist over time will be increasing. As the exercise is, rather, perfect for people who want to increase the proportions of your body, than for girls.
Proper nutrition
  • Going on a goal considered to be effective in the fight against excess fat in the belly, however, there is a danger about which do not forget: the persistent goal provoke the ptosis of organs of small pelvis.
  • If you have decided to make twists in your hands with the optional weighting, in the process of implementation of exercises to do and not to do sharp movements.
  • To cope with the extra pounds on the abdomen and flanks will give you the cardio. These exercises strengthen the metabolism, and thus contributes to the intensive burning of fat. Also it is worth to give preference to interval load.
  • It is also recommended to exercise to combine with other loads.
  • In the process it is necessary to monitor the load on the oblique muscles of the press, it should not be excessive.

The best exercise

There are different complexes of exercises, which allow you to make the waist thin and beautiful.


The most famous is rightly called the twisting on press.

  • To do this, you need to lie on a flat surface or a mat and bend at the knees (feet should be placed on the floor).
  • Start your hands behind your head, take a deep breath, tear the body off the floor and pull him to his feet.
  • Then do exhale and drop back into its original position.
  • It is recommended to perform 10 repetitions 2-3 access.

Reverse twisting

  • You need to lie on your back, bend your knees and soles of the feet put on the floor.
  • Hands placed along the body.
  • Now you need to raise the legs so that the thigh eventually are perpendicular to the floor and your knees move towards your chest.
  • When the contact foot from the floor it is necessary to do exhale, and when your feet placed on the floor — breath.
  • It is recommended to do 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

Oblique twist

  • Need to lie down on a flat surface, raise your hands behind your head, and the legs bend at the knees to make the legs touch the floor.
  • Now it is necessary to lift the body, right elbow to pull to the left knee. The left part of the body should remain on the floor.
  • Repeat the movement on the contrary: the left elbow reaching your right knee so that the right part of the torso remained on the floor.
  • One approach is the need to do at least 15 repetitions.


This, at first glance, a simple exercise is to focus on the work of the muscles of the press, hips and lower back.

  • Take a position on the floor so that the elbows, knees, and toes rested on the floor.
  • Neck and spine should be sorted in one line, and the view facing forward.
  • Then you need to tear your knees off the floor, and stay in this position for 30 minutes. It is important that the breathing was normal.
  • It is then possible to move into the position of the side bar and perform the exercise on each side for 30 seconds.
  • Again take the position so that the soles of the feet and palms rested on floor.
  • Move the center of gravity to the right part of the body. The right hand should be bent at a right angle.
  • Put your left foot on the right side, keeping your legs straight, lift your hips.
  • Twisting
  • In this position you need to be 30 seconds. Furthermore, it is possible to carry out the plan during 1-2 minutes.
  • Repeat the exercise for the other side.

Lunges with rotation of the torso

This exercise is ideal for beginners.

  • Take a step forward left leg and bend it at the knee. This will make stretching the muscles of the right thigh.
  • Pull the hands in front of himself so that settled parallel to the floor.
  • After the warm-up again to make a step forward the left foot and sitting on an imaginary chair. The right foot should stay in the back and the socks touch the ground. So, first back you can leave it straight, and then do the twists and turns of the case.
  • Do a lunge with the opposite leg.
  • Repetition of movement can 15 times.

Sails in different directions

  • To perform the exercise, you must stand straight and put your feet together.
  • Raise your hands up and put them over your head.
  • The maximum tilt the torso to the left and hold this position for 15 seconds. You should feel the stretch in the right part of the body.
  • To return to the initial position.
  • Repeat the exercise, tilting the torso to the right.
  • Later you can increase the time and keep the position for 30, 45 and 60 seconds.

During the exercise, you can do another interesting exercise, which is perfectly strengthens the muscles of the abdominal cavity.

  • To start you need to stand on all four.
  • Lunges with rotation of the torso
  • Release the press and take a deep breath.
  • Exhale and exhaling, stretch and strongly draw in the stomach.
  • In this position you need to hold the abdomen at least 15 seconds.

Tips for better efficiency

That the training was effective, it is necessary to stick to the following recommendations:

  • It is necessary to gradually increase the intensity of exercise. By having regular exercise, the body not only adapts to the load, but also becomes more robust. Therefore, it is recommended at least 1 time per week include going for a run, ride a bike or power load. It will help you to more effectively burn excess calories and improve metabolism.
  • Give preference to strengthening in the fresh air. It promotes not only weight loss, but also the health of the whole organism.
  • It is important to plan teaching. It allows you to prepare well in advance and in time to start the exercises. But to do this it is necessary to choose clothes, shoes and stock up on water. Many are used for training the corresponding music, which also it is better to prepare in advance.
  • An important role in weight loss diet has, therefore, also need to be adjusted. For example, experts recommend to introduce into your diet more vegetables, including watercress, which allows the body to recover faster after a grueling workout, and bitter chocolate. And it is also important to drink sufficient amount of clean water (at least 2 liters a day).
  • Don't forget to warm-up. Before the main training it is necessary to warm up the muscles. This will allow to reduce to a minimum the delayed onset muscle soreness and possible injury of the tissue. And after exercise is recommended to do stretching of muscles.
  • It's not worth the distraction talk in this period. It is important to focus in school, do it correctly and with maximum effort. This is especially true if you are engaged in a group of like-minded people.
  • It is important not only to adjust the diet, but also to ensure the normal rest and sleep, during which body will be able to rest and recover.
    An important role in weight loss is nutrition
  • If it is difficult for you to yourself to pick up exercises, it is better to ask for help to the coach, who will be able to design a suitable and effective complex, which takes into account your features and wishes. And what is the most important thing — it's stability. It is better to pay the exercise 20 minutes a day, than to do nothing. This is the hardest, especially at the beginning of the journey, when a person is faced with the unpleasant sensations after an hour and fatigue.

How fast and how much can you lose weight

Talk about specific numbers, it is very difficult, because the result depends on the choice of exercises, frequency and intensity of training, as well as the lifestyle that you have in this period. Also , you cannot rule out the individual characteristics of the organism.

Exactly one: if the exercise will be constant and intense, that the changes will be visible already after a week: improve the health status of the muscles of the body and the organism as a whole. A month you can lose up to 4 kg, and that means that the waist and hips will be less.

Please note! The main thing — desire and persistence. And that the result was even more efficient, you can practice walking and make emphasis on the cardio.