Meals with gastritis during the exacerbation (with increased and reduced acidity) + Menu

Pain in the abdomen in gastritis

Gastritis – a disease that occurs in all age groups of the population. In disease many predisposing factors, in particular:

  • metabolic disorders;
  • errors in the diet;
  • frequent stress;
  • the use of certain drugs.

Women are often faced with manifestations of gastritis in pregnancy, when the stomach pinching the growing uterus, and the processes of digestion of food violated. Diet during exacerbation of gastritis – is one of the most important part of the treatment, especially when a woman is expecting a child, and many drugs her drink is prohibited.

The importance of diet in inflammation in the phase of deterioration

Sometimes the disease takes place acutely, and "after he visited" a person once, it will come back. But more often the gastritis becomes chronic. Then episodes exacerbations occur from time to time, in the moments when for some reason helena other the inflammatory process is activated. Must pass the repeat course of treatment.

Huge importance has to eat with gastritis during the exacerbation. Some drugs won't help: the mucous membranes in the face of strong inflammation and non-compliance with dietary recommendations, again, gets to the damage. Treatment without diet ineffective. Now it is necessary to minimize all factors that will irritate the mucosa.

Symptoms of an exacerbation include:

  • pain in the stomach area;
  • the severity in the epigastrium;
  • heartburn;
  • belching;
  • often nausea.

Of course, not all of them are sure to appear, in addition, for different types of gastritis symptoms are different. Sometimes the only symptom is becoming a pain – when the ulcer is usually "hungry pain", then there arise, if a person long time did not take food, while of gastritis can be any.

Chronic gastritis is in a stage of an exacerbation requires careful handling. The patient will be recommended a specific food, whose mission – to maintain the normal functioning of the organs of the digestive system, creating gentle conditions for the period until the disease returns to the stage of remission. Menu with gastritis is not as diverse as for a completely healthy person, but it allows you to get a full-fledged diet. How remission worsens the symptoms of gastritis in the diet are classified more complex the composition of the products.

How to eat during exacerbation of gastritis

Everyone who at least sometimes met with the manifestations of the disease, it is necessary to know how to eat properly during exacerbation of gastritis. The basic principle of the diet – the mechanical, thermal and chemical sparing.

Mechanical sparing at the expense of shredding up to a creamy consistency (of food the ground, to cook soft helena crushed in a blender). Thermal – due to consumption of food in a warm state (cold helena warm, is prohibited). Optimally, if the temperature of the meals will be closest to normal body temperature (36-37 °C). Chemical-saving – due to the exclusion of products that can stimulate the secretion of gastric juice parietal cells (salty, smoked, spicy, fried) helena may aggressively act on the mucous membrane (e.g., pepper, horseradish, mustard).

During exacerbation of chronic gastritis and during each bout of feeding should be fractional. Base – table number 1, which was developed specifically for these cases. Diet no. 1 is a "clause" that you need to consider at different stages of the severity of the deterioration. If gastritis is combined with other diseases of the digestive system, for example, with colitis, chronic pancreatitis, cholecystitis helena is reflux gastritis, the stage of dying the deterioration of the patient is translated on the table № 5.

The basis of nutrition in diseases of the stomach – these are the soups, especially the slimy, jelly beans, potatoes and crushed food. Thermal processing – it is cooking, cooking on steam. When the deterioration of the science can be to prepare meals, bake without education scabs.

Meals with gastritis during the exacerbation

Food with gastritis in the phase of exacerbation must include the necessary for the body to quickly restore the vitamins and minerals. It is important that the patient is getting sufficient amounts of protein foods. It is necessary that the damaged mucous membrane of the stomach heal faster and other organs do not suffer from lack of protein.

The Menu should be build so that in the diet were present vitamins a, B, C, D, E. it is necessary to Eat a fractional, make the most of cleansing the digestive tract.

Correct diet during exacerbation of gastritis

During exacerbation of gastritis prescribe the table number 1. But you need to realize that nutrition for gastritis with reduced, increased and normal acidity has some differences. It is important to take into account even such factor, as is the presence of helena the absence of associated diseases. Why nutrition in the period of exacerbation can be adjusted according to the mobile table number 2, 3, 5a, 5b. Accordingly, as the deterioration of science, tables of the changes:

1-3 day Table 1a
4 -7 day Table 1b number
8 day and further Table 1

Foods and dishes during exacerbations of

Menu with gastritis during the exacerbation must comply with the main requirements:

  • meals should be moderate;
  • the food is necessarily disintegrated;
  • break between meals should not be more than 3.5-4 hours.

Diet in nabnastrandnam disease – is steamed and boiled vegetables, gruel, liquid soup. You should start with the most delicate of dishes, then move on to a normal meal, but, if possible, completely eliminate (even after healing) sharp spices, large amounts of salt, smoked foods, alcohol. It all irritates the stomach walls, and in every moment of gastritis may deteriorate.

What you can eat in the phase of deterioration

The general principles of preparing meals – you need to cook the steamed helena steamed to their rubbed helena slimy. Such food does not harm the stomach wall, is easily digested, the nutrients are quickly digested.

Nutrition during exacerbation of gastritis can be like this:

Product of the year Than helpful
Slimy soups Nabvnaluckyvayut of the stomach wall;

well digested;

provide the body with necessary substances

Steamed vegetables With proper heat treatment they give the required amount of vitamins, fiber
Lean meat Saturated fatty acids, rna.

At first it's a meatball of minced beef fillet turkey, rabbit, turkey.

Then move on to the cooked meat part of the pieces

Honey Complements the need for carbohydrates

All meals should be warm, prepared without the use of spices. Allowed to eat in small amounts, sweets – candy, marshmallows, jellies, jelly. Kefir and fermented baked milk can not be used in the first 2-3 days after the beginning of the period of exacerbation. In these days it is possible to cook dairy slimy helena liquid porridge with milk. Then add one low-fat yogurt, even a few days – fermented baked milk.

Impaled on a fork and vegetables

Forbidden foods in the diet with gastritis in the phase of deterioration

Diet with gastritis in the phase of exacerbation includes a special menu. In nabnastrandth period is strictly prohibited prohibited fresh fruits and vegetables, because they irritate the stomach.

You can not consume sodas, strong tea. Under the ban coffee, chocolate, cocoa. Caffeinated products constrict blood vessels, thereby causing further spasm, which is manifested by the emergence of a helena amplification of pain.

The symptoms of gastritis after initiation of treatment over time they go through, but it is necessary to follow a diet for a long period of time to the stomach lining completely regenerated and resumed its functions.

Diet during exacerbation of gastritis with high acidity

Nutrition during exacerbation of gastritis with high acidity, it must be about the same as during the exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease. This type of gastritis is called hyperacidity. The essence of the disease consists in an excessive formation of hydrochloric acid. In the mucous the inflammatory process begins, there is an education booth, like burns, is observed the formation of small ulcers.

Therefore, in the patient menu should contain foods that do not affect the mucous membrane, forcing the stomach to produce even more secrets. In the diet of the patient should prevail:

  • steamed fish and the fish for a few lean varieties;
  • porridge on the water (well boiled);
  • jelly;
  • omelets for a couple.

If you want vegetables, then you can afford to include them in the diet, but only in the form of puree. Fits perfectly mashed potatoes. It's satiating, nutritious, does not irritate a sore stomach.

Diet during exacerbation of gastritis with reduced acidity

Menu with gastritis with low acid content in the period of exacerbation somewhat differently. Here is the goal – to get the stomach to produce more secrets. When hypoacid inflammation in a patient deficiency of B vitamins (especially B₁₂), C, PP. His stomach poorly protected against the "invasion" of pathogens because of the small amount of gastric juice. In atrophic gastritis acidity can be reduced almost to zero.

To a little bit stimulate the stomach, it is necessary sometimes to add into the diet of salted fish. To minimize the consequences in the slow digestion of food, it is necessary to remove from the diet:

  • fresh bread;
  • legumes;
  • mushrooms;
  • pancakes;
  • fatty meat.

The task of the physician and the patient – to prevent the processes of fermentation and help empty the stomach to work more effectively. The food also has to be chopped up, heated. Tricks of food – every 3.5 hours.

Diet during exacerbation of gastritis with combined pathology

Chronic gastritis often occurs together with other diseases, for example, with chronic pancreatitis, gallbladder disease. Diet during exacerbation of such gastritis should be designed with regard to demands on the menu in the treatment of related diseases.

Pumpkin soup

Menu during exacerbation of gastritis and gastric ulcers

Thus, the diet during exacerbation of gastritis and gastric ulcers – is that a fractional food in small portions. In the menu may contain such dishes, such as soup helen pumpkin soup from the broccoli – both in the form of a soup-puree.

You can prepare the acid of noodle. Rice porridge with milk, semolina, buckwheat porridge is also allowed. During exacerbation of gastritis is not necessary to use cereal quick cooking. If you must eat in a quick and safe snack – it is better to use baby food. Yes – not on purpose, and, yes – it is safer than the express porridge.

In the diet of a person suffering from chronic gastritis, it must be fruits and vegetables, but in the period of exacerbation are only allowed in roasted and steamed form and in small quantities.

The food should be such that the patient experienced the feeling of hunger, because otherwise they start to overcome the "hungry" pain, the inflammatory process extends.

Nutrition during exacerbation of gastritis and pancreatitis

Diet during exacerbation of gastritis and pancreatitis is a little bit different. In this case, is the number of calories right after the reduction of the emission of the seizure, when the patient is allowed to independently take food, is reduced to 1,500 per day. Gradually, as the disease recedes, it increases the caloric.

The patient is allowed diet meals of well-cooked rice, soup of the lean of the broth, a little later – puree cottage cheese.

Of the liquid – a weak tea, preferably green, compote of dried fruits, jelly.

Diet with gastritis and cholecystitis in the phase of deterioration

When cholecystitis disturbed the flow of bile, so treatment should be aimed at reducing these types of food, for the processing which should be a lot of bile. Diet during exacerbation of gastritis is based on the principles of table number 5. Gall bladder inflamed – therefore, it is most appropriate to the variant of the diet, which they call "table 5a". Unlike table 5b, recommended for pancreatitis, — the food can take a little less often, even when not required a full dilution before pyrénabrůznénagna condition.

Menu during exacerbation of gastritis with high acidity for a week

If the menu on every day, when it is necessary to follow a diet during exacerbation of gastritis with high acidity, it is necessary to remind: the food varies with by monotony, because a lot is prohibited, and therefore, it is worth it to learn several ways of cooking the same food, but in different ways.

Menu for the week is about the following.

Day of the week     Food
  1 2 3 4 5
1 Weak tea with biscuits Scrambled eggs Pumpkin soup Baked apple Yogurt
2 A glass of warm milk Porridge buckwheat Chicken stew Kefir Oatmeal
3 Tea with pieces of dried bread Cottage cheese Soup-puree each Baked apple Steamed fish
4 Chicory with milk, a couple of croutons Porridge oatmeal Scrambled eggs Cottage cheese Jelly with crackers
5 Oatmeal, tea Pears baked Steam meatballs Tea with marshmallow, souffle Kefir
6 Any liquid porridge Mashed potatoes Cabbage Tea, marmalade Cottage cheese
7 Low-fat yogurt Semolina porridge Dairy noodles Fish for a few Steamed vegetables

Diet during exacerbation of gastritis with reduced acidity: a menu for the week

Proper nutrition during exacerbation of chronic gastritis with reduced acidity also includes pureed vegetables and soups slimy. But the menu for the week, during exacerbation of gastritis more varied than in the case of hyperacidity gastritis.

Day of the week     Food
  1 2 3 4 5
1 Boiled egg, tea Cottage cheese Chicken soup


Roasted pear Kefir helena ryazhenka
2 Weak tea, a little dried bread with jam Rice porridge Chicken stew Mashed potatoes,

alsbnasnaLena fish

3 Tea with pieces of dried bread Cottage cheese Soup-puree each Baked apple Steamed fish
4 Chicory with milk, a couple of croutons Porridge oatmeal Scrambled eggs Cottage cheese Jelly with crackers
5 Oatmeal, tea Pears baked Steam meatballs Tea with marshmallow, souffle Kefir
6 Any liquid porridge Mashed potatoes Cabbage Tea, marmalade Cottage cheese
7 Low-fat yogurt Semolina porridge Dairy noodles Fish for a few Steamed vegetables

Gradually, as the remitting exacerbation, diet is expanding. But you should always remember to limit salt and spices. If the proposed food is not enough, you need other tricks of dishes (in small quantities, but more often).

Recipes for the diet in chronic gastritis

Diet for patients with gastritis in the period of exacerbation – these are those foods that facilitate the digestion of food and fully digest.

In the menu of the patient it is possible to classify the acid of noodle.

A recipe for dairy noodles

The recipe is very simple: it is necessary to cook in the pot a little milk, diluted with water (so that the water was less than half). Then pour small pasta, cook on low heat for 10 minutes. Salt to add just a little bit. Let.

Rice porridge

Recipe rice porridge with raisins

Oatmeal with raisins – a dish that you can eat and for breakfast and for a snack.

It is necessary to pour the rice with cold water and milk, cook until boil. Then throw it to a pulp a few raisins and wait to make a little softened. The porridge serve in a warm form.

Recipe omelet

Take 2 eggs, break them into a cup, where you add a couple of tablespoons of milk and a little water. Stir thoroughly until a homogeneous condition. Pour it on the preheated pan, close the lid.

Recipe of chicken soup

It is necessary to cook the second broth with one chicken legs, definitely take off the foam, add the finely chopped carrots and potatoes. Onions may add, because it will irritate the stomach.

The importance of the correct mode of nutrition during exacerbation of gastritis is difficult to overestimate. In the diet should contain the diet food cooked steamed, without seasoning, and salt, with a minimum of sugar. Proper nutrition – the key to a quick recovery. You can even lose a little weight, if any weight.

If you overtook gastritis, fear is not worth it. Yes, it's unpleasant, but to overcome the phase of deterioration, it is possible. Just arm yourself with patience, follow the instructions of the doctor and adhere to the regime of food. Then gastritis permanently depart.